Like we mentioned in the previous article our lives encompass many things - family, relationships, church, school, business, etc. At any point in time there are myriad of things calling for our attention and the demand is to have impact in all. We want to be the best parents, leaders in church, friends, succeed in our work and business, change our communities,etc. We want to live a successful life all round - this is the essence of Life360.
Success is best measured from an eternal perspective. If we are the best in everything without getting the approval of the One who seats in eternity then our best is but grass that withers away.
So is a successful life all round possible?
Consider a poor widow who lived over 2,000 years ago. We don't know what this woman was good at - maybe she was an incredible mother, a good neighbor, a great friend. Maybe before she lost her husband she had been a good and faithful wife or maybe she was gifted in something else. What we know for certain - she was poor. She couldn't boast of much. All she had to her name financially were two (leptas) - the lowest denomination in the then Roman empire. The amazing thing is that she walked to the temple and gave it all out and the Lord, looked at that area of her life and approved of her. She had such a quality life that even where she was "poor" she still had a lot of impact (see Mark 12:41 - 44).
More than striving to be the best we aspire to live such quality lives that even in areas we are "poor" in, we still have impact.
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