Wednesday, October 22, 2008

20th October

On the 20th day of October, Kenya celebrates Kenyatta Day; named after the first president of this nation to commemorate the struggle for independence.
45 years ago brave men and women gave their lives to fight for independence from Britain. It was a war fought by men who had little more than crude weapons and few guns against a might empire yet they prevailed. Their greatest weapon was the courage and desire for freedom.

Today we fight against a different enemy but the odds are the same. We fight against poverty, ignorance, disease, poor leadership, corruption and other ills of in our society and the battle is great.

Working in Mathare Valley, it sometimes appears as if the challenges are too big but today we are reminded of the greatest weapons of all, the courage and the passion, the commitment to move beyond present limitations and move into the fullness of life that we should all enjoy in this beautiful nation. A life of peace, security, health, good leadership and so much more – we got what it takes to get there!

You have what it takes no matter what you face!

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